
Lección 16/21 | Tiempo de estudio: 15 Min


Escucha atentamente la conversación entre Carlos y Laura, identifica el uso de greetings and farewells.

What greeting did Person A use to start the conversation?

  • a) Good afternoon!

  • b) Good morning!

  • c) Good evening!

  • d) Goodbye!


How did Person B respond to the greeting from Person A?

  • a) Good morning! I'm doing well, thank you.

  • b) Goodbye! I'm doing well, thank you.

  • c) Good afternoon! I'm doing well, thank you.

  • d) Good evening! I'm doing well, thank you.


What does Person B do in the afternoon according to the conversation?

  • a) Goes to work

  • b) Goes shopping

  • c) Plays soccer

  • d) Visits grandparents


What does Person A mention about their routine?

  • a) Wakes up at 6:30 a.m.

  • b) Finishes work at 5 p.m.

  • c) Enjoys watching TV

  • d) Visits family on weekends


How do Person A and Person B bid farewell at the end of the conversation?

  • a) Goodbye!

  • b) Goodnight!

  • c) See you later!

  • d) Have a great day!



Practica tu pronunciación, construye una conversación con un amigo en el cual platiquen de su día aplicando los conocimientos adquiridos en esta sección.
